Thursday, August 4, 2011

And still Continues

Well just a short update as to where everything stands, they are still digging. They are currently at about 6 1/2 feet on the deep end so they still have another foot to go. Then they will move to the rest of the pool, so we are still looking at 2-3 more days of digging. Wish us well and our neighbors as this is some loud digging.

1 comment:

  1. They made it to 7.5' in the deep end today. Probably another 2 days of digging to get the rest to the level it should be. That means we'll be at a total of 11 days of excavation - 3 to 4 times longer than anticipated! Thank you Central Texas rock!!

    Yesterday the construction superintendant told us one of our neighbors called to ask if the pool company is insured because she thought the tree in our back yard might fall into their yard and onto their house. There is no way that can happen, but I think the noise is just so loud, it is scaring her and her husband. They are a little elderly couple. Aww...
